49. What do you watch on TV, and for how many hours/day? Children: 2 hours, general programs, cartoons. Bjorn: 1 hour, news. Margret: 1/2 hour, news. 50. How many telephones do you own? Two. 51. If you read, what do you read? Magazines about horses, aviation, and Donald Duck. Also, one book/month from book club. 52. Are you politically active? No. 53. What are your perceptions of the rest of the world? There is too much war. We're upset about logging of rain forests and air pollution. Family Dreams 54. Are you satisfied with your lifestyle? Yes. 55. Do you consider yourselves better off than your parents and grandparents? Better off than our parents and grandparents. 56. What would your family like to own that you think would make your lives better? A four wheel drive vehicle (not Japanese). 57. Do you have any savings or security? Not really. We spend all we make. 58. When and how are you planning for retirement? Pension, workers compensation.